The Archivio Generale Arcivescovile di Bologna (generally abbreviated as AAB) is the main repository of the Archbishop of Bologna and contains documentation from the Middle Ages to modern times. The institution also houses smaller archives, both clerical and private, from the 10th century onward. The current amount of archival materials are more than tens of thousands, with more needing to be catalogued before they can be released to the public. However, a first initial access tool to the documentation is now available: the online guide.

The Archive of Bologna's Archdiocese was founded in 1573, when Cardinal Gabriele Paleotti (1566-1597) decided to build a big space inside the episcopal palace to preserve all the writings of his predecessors and his own. This first archive contained … (leggi tutto)

Archive’s catalogue
The Archivio Generale Arcivesovile is one of the biggest archives in Bologna, with nearly 4 kilometres of shelfs, more than 10.000 archival unities and more than seventy archives. Most of these archives belonged to ecclesiastic institutions; as it is … (leggi tutto)
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